A Very Different Drummer

A Very Different Drummer

S3 E5: Norman Tinker in an introspective mood insists he is a weirdo, despite Tom Corbett's assurances to the contrary. To prove his point, he invites Tom and Eddie to spend the weekend with him in his off-beat apartment. Norman serves them goat's milk, prepares Gulai Udang Dengan Labu Kuning for dinner, and plays train noises on his hi-fi, all-the while lamenting to Tom that his lifestyle can't be normal. The evening's climax comes when Norman's new waterbed springs a leak as the trio sleeps. The next morning Tom discovers Norman's soul-searching is the result of his being named Eddie's legal guardian. Tom restores Norman's confidence, telling him he has the one ingredient that makes him fit for the job -- love for Eddie.
Starring Ned York