Virtual Tex; Chicken Scouts; Pompeii Away

Virtual Tex; Chicken Scouts; Pompeii Away

Available on Tubi TV
"Virtual Tex" Tex isn't sure he likes all this new-fangled technology, especially when the outcome of the cartoon is in the hands the audience. Their interactive interference causes him lots o' grief... until he learns that Sid's the real culprit. / "Chicken Scouts" When Mooch finds little Maurice in the mountains with his fellow Chicken Scouts, our hungry fox decides to become their scout leader. Mooch tries to cook Maurice and company on the campfire, but Maurice teaches Mooch a few things about the great outdoors. Between the rattlesnakes, archery practice, grizzlies and poison ivy, Mooch has his fill of nature...and an empty stomach as usual. / "Pompeii Away" Dan the Man is a merciless lawyer on vacation in the Caribbean who wants nothing more than be left alone by annoying waiter Pompeii Pete. After trying to get rid of Pete, it's Dan who ends up in the ocean and subsequently marooned on a tiny desert isle with the person he'd most like to be away from... Pete.