What's New Poodle Dog

What's New Poodle Dog

S2 E6: Roger tells Jeannie that he has arranged a double date for Tony and himself with two beauty queens. Before Roger can tell Tony, Jeannie turns him into a French poodle. The poodle is taken to the dog pound. There, Tony pays five dollars for a Great Dane he thinks is Roger. Jeannie tells Tony he has the wrong dog. Tony rushes back to the pound where Mr. Asher has just bought the poodle for his son Keith. Asher refuses to sell the poodle, but Tony's bid of five hundred dollars changes his mind. Tony returns to the base with the poodle. Dr. Bellows comes in while Roger is barking his replies to Tony's questions. He tells Tony the poodle is just the dog to be orbited into space. Tony reports this to Jeannie and she returns Roger to his normal self. When Roger tells Jeannie the date with the two girls is still on, Jeannie turns him back into a poodle. Tony tells Dr. Bellows he can't send the poodle into space because the dog is really Roger. Sure he has caught Tony, Dr. Bellows phones Gen. Peterson. By the time he returns to take the dog to Gen. Peterson, Jeannie changes the dog back to Roger again. That night Tony and Roger await their dates at Tony's house. Two beautiful girls come to the door. Jeannie blinks and when Tony opens the door, two cats enter.
Starring Dick Wilson, Norman Burton, Hazel Shermet