What's Yours Is Mayan; Wish Upon a Star Traveler; Mile High Fly

What's Yours Is Mayan; Wish Upon a Star Traveler; Mile High Fly

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"What's Yours Is Mayan" When Ghengis arrives in the Mayan capital in central Mexico a thousand years before Cortez, he figures getting the fabled gold will be a snap. But little Khannie (dressed as an Mayan princess) turns out to be worse than "Montezuma's revenge"! She plays ancient Mayan handball with Ghengis, winner gets the gold. But when Ghengis tries to sacrifice Khannie to the volcano god, Khannie gets something better than gold! / "Wish Upon a Star Traveler" Einstone's primitive world is interrupted when a time traveler comes from the future to pick one caveman to bring back with him. Einstone is sure he's the smartest and sets out to prove it. But his dumb Neanderthal tribesmen prove tough opponents when the time traveler tests their skills in tool making, fire utilization and art. / "Mile High Fly" Amanda tries to squash Freddy but can't seem to crush him to save her life. Amanda uses a growth foromula to make Freddy bigger and therefore easier to hit, but alas, she still finds it impossible to smack him!