A Way of Life
Available on Pluto TV, FilmRise, Tubi TV
"A Way of Life" is a teenage tragedy which offers a chilling insight into racism whilst connecting us with the lives of five children struggling to cling to their dreams. The film centres around teenage mother, Leigh-Anne Williams (Stephanie James) and her three friends: Robbie (Gary Sheppeard), a seventeen year old, determined to move beyond his dead-end community; Gavin (Nathan Jones), a seventeen year old, desperately chasing love; and Stephen (Dean Wong), a fifteen year old, yearning  for a Welsh identity. All of them operate along the margins of society… until one day, paranoia, boredom, frustration and anger form a lethal combination. When her baby girl’s future appears threatened, Leigh-Anne’s Turkish Muslim neighbour (Oliver Haden), becomes the target of her pent up anger and humiliation. A ferocious murder takes place which is seemingly driven by racial hatred, and in a moment, the four teenagers seal their fate. This is a touching story of a young mother and her child, of teenage romance and friendship, which draws you in slowly, until you find yourself in a world of poverty, love, tenderness and hurt.
Starring Stephanie James, Nathan Jones, Gary Sheppeard
Director Amma Asante