
This is a very old story with themes that harken back to Shakespeare and Steinbeck. It’s the story of a Father and Son working through their differences in order to ensure their family legacy. It’s the story of a husband and wife reflecting on the life they have built together as they consider what comes next. It’s the story of the moment our country faces and the complexity of generational transition. Jeffrey and Ellie Patterson came to Mount Eden Vineyards in 1981 when Jeffrey got his first job in the wine industry as the assistant winemaker. Less than two years later, he was promoted to head winemaker as Ellie was hired to run the business. Over the course of 40 years they dedicated their lives to Mount Eden, laboring each and every day to improve the quality and consistency of these noble wines. Jeffrey and Ellie raised their two children, Sophie and Reid, with the hope that they would one day take over the estate. Both children have very conflicted feelings about taking over the family business. Reid loved the unique experience of growing up on Mount Eden but fears the back-breaking labor and all-encompassing life of producing wine. Sophie is committed to modernizing this winery, but is conflicted about how to do so without ruining what makes it so special. The story of the Patterson’s journey with Mount Eden is a microcosm of many of the challenges that we face in American culture today. Complex and layered like a fine glass of wine, EDEN takes a deep look at both the value of committing your life to your profession and the considerable cost that comes with it.
Jeffrey Patterson, Ellie Davis Patterson, Sophie Patterson Sharabi
Christopher McGilvray