In the Night
Jane Fisher is a ghost writer with a stack of unpaid bills, an imploding love affair, and one night left to finish her next script. It is already past midnight when she finally gets an idea - a cast of actors, abandoned by their director. Driven by fear of unemployment and misery, the actors decide to create a show of their own. Slowly, Jane and her actors grow empowered as they realize the potential their show has to tell the stories they've always longed to reveal. But everyone, as it turns out, has a price. As the clock ticks for Jane, she realizes that her characters aren't the only ones who have some tough decisions to face. Racing against the dawning sun, Jane embarks on a journey that teaches her what it means to be lost, wandering in the night— and what it means to come home. In The Night is a musical film about finding the courage to live your dream. The longtime dream of its own creator, Goetz Neumann, the film uses an ensemble cast and reflects a broad variety of musical styles.
Starring Nicole Dionne, Corey Wright, Heather Gault
Director Götz Neumann