Peace Pilot
In the thrilling documentary Peace Pilot, follow Robert DeLaurentis, an intrepid aviator, on his audacious quest to fly to the South Pole and then North Pole, surviving temperatures as low as -60°C, in a 38-year-old, heavily modified Turbo Commander 900. This daring venture is not merely a test of flying skill and human endurance but a profound journey of peace and planetary unity under the banner "One planet. One people. One plane. " Setting out three years after his first solo circumnavigation, Robert confronts not only the extreme challenges of the polar skies but also a series of life-threatening technical mishaps and a global pandemic. From taking off against unfavorable winds over daunting mountain ranges to dealing with fuel leaks and multiple system failures, each moment of the flight could very well be his last. Peace Pilot captures not only the heart-stopping action and terrifying close calls but also delves into Robert's internal voyage towards greater self-awareness and commitment to environmental conservation. This film is a gripping narrative of survival, human fortitude, and the urgent collective effort needed to safeguard our planet.
Robert DeLaurentiis
Robert DeLaurentiis