Prince Harry: Joker In the Pack
Available on Tubi TV
Prince Harry isn’t your average Royal Prince. Life in the British royal family is unlike any other - it is one of duty, of service, of privilege, but at a great price - freedom. Since leaving not only his role as senior royal but the UK as well, Prince Harry’s life in America with his wife and children has been far from average. From the infamous interview that was broadcast to millions, which has many similarities to the interview his late mother Princess Diana appeared in, to the comments he made regarding the Queens safety in the top secret 2022 visit. The Prince has nevertheless dedicated much of his life to the benefit of many causes close to his heart, such as veterans, poverty, and mental health. For a long time, his frankness and openness won him millions of admirers and he was consistently rated the most popular member of the royal family. He has often been at odds with those determined to preserve the status quo because of his passion for change. His desire for privacy has caused him to leave royal life behind and pursue an independent future for himself and his growing family in recent years. Although leaving royalty was a surprise for not only the royal family but the entire country, it came as no shock as Prince Harry was always seen as... The Joker In The Pack.
Starring Ashley Pearson, Camilla Tominey, Chris Ship
Director Lucy Ciara McCutcheon