Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars
Uplifting and courageous, this dramatic seven-time award-winning film by Zach Niles and Banker White tracks the journey of Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars--a group of six musicians who formed a band after being displaced from their home during the brutal decade-long civil war in Sierra Leone--as they rise from the ashes of war and inspire a nation to believe in the healing power of music. Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars follows band mates Reuben Koroma, Francis Langba, Efuah Grace, Mohammed Bangura, Arahim Kamara and Alhadji Kamara (Black Nature) through their tour of local refugee camps, debut recording session and painful return to their country for the first time since the war. The band’s sound, a mixture of home-grown beats from West Africa, roots-reggae and Western-influenced rhythm and blues combined with heartfelt lyrics which condemn war and encourage social change, have been praised around the world, leading to the band’s first American tour.
Starring Reuben M. Koroma, Francis John Langba, Abdul Rahim Kamara
Director Zach Niles, Banker White