Squizzy Taylor

The remarkable story of Australia's first true gangster Squizzy Taylor - the diminutive small-time pimp, thief and gambler would rock the underworld with his legendary exploits. Melbourne, 1919 - a turf war erupts between rival Fitzroy and Richmond gangs painting the cobbled bluestones red with violence. Dapper and debonair Squizzy Taylor (David Atkins) cunningly orchestrates the battle and steps into the breach to keep an eagle eye on his interests. A master of manipulation and the media Squizzy weaves a sticky web between self-glorifying interviews with newspaperman Reg Harvey (Robert Hughes) and keeping in the pay of corrupt cop Brophy (Alan Cassell). Always the ladies' man, when Squizzy decides to throw over his moll Dolly (Jacki Weaver, Animal Kingdom) in favour of Ida (Kim Lewis), things finally become unhinged and it is only a matter of time before he faces his chief rival Snowy Cutmore (Steve Bisley, The Big Steal). Presented in a superb new transfer, retaining the original widescreen anamorphic frame, Squizzy Taylor remains a stylish and captivating entry into Australia's early crime underbelly.
David Atkins, Jacki Weaver, Alan Cassell
Kevin James Dobson