The Big Secret

The Big Secret: A Survival Guide for the New Millennium is the latest work by five-time Emmy Award-winning producer and director, Alex Voss, and, multi award winning film maker and integrative physician, Susan Downs. This groundbreaking documentary film explores the truth behind some of today's most widely-accepted medical practices, and seeks to expose how the focus on corporate profits influences traditional medical treatment in the United States. In The Big Secret: A Survival Guide for the New Millennium, Voss and Downs explore the history of modern medical practice and the role that Big Pharma plays in manipulating medical treatment to increase corporate profits at the expense of individual care. They also shed light on modern farming techniques that deplete the food we eat of its nutritional content. The United States is the wealthiest country in the world and spends more on healthcare than any other country, yet millions of unsuspecting people are dying of preventable diseases each year.
Susan Downs
Susan Downs, Jennifer Isenhart