The Boy Who Looks for Gold: The Bavarian Tom Sawyer
TONI GOLDWASCHER is an archaic story – in the mood of "Tom Sawyer". The story takes place a few years after the Second World War in a village near the river Inn. Behind the facade of an "idyllic world" there are old, unspoken feuds and rivalries. The hero of the story is 12 year old Toni (Lorenz Strasser), called "Toni Goldwasher", who lives with his mother Maria (Maria Brendel) and dog Strupp in the "Goldwasher's House" outside the village close to the river. Toni's grandfather actually used to pan for gold here – which the villagers considered as an attempt to get rich without honest work. That happened a long time ago but the house is still viewed as an eyesore in the village. Toni is an outsider through no fault of his own. The farmer's son Hans Beil not only harasses Toni with his "Unterdörfler Gang", he also wants to dispute his gold cove on the river where Toni tries to pan for gold - just like his grandfather in the past. Two children from the local orphanage, the epileptic Herbert and the mute Elfie take Toni's side but they can't do much to help him either. Toni finds a secret ally in the chaplain who is temporarily in charge of the parish and who would like to have Toni as an altar boy. The conflict escalates when Toni actually finds gold in the bay! Full of envy, Hans Beil and his gang now also go looking for gold.
Starring Lorenz Strasser, Florian Schlegl, Maria Brendel
Director Norbert Lechner