Through These Gates

The entrance to the University of Nebraska’s football stadium reads “Through These Gates Pass the Greatest Fans in College Football.” This film puts that statement to the test. It is an exploration of a state, of a town, of people’s relationships, of thousands of students, of the power of a strong leader and mentor and the love of countless athletes who came into contact with a football. It is a glimpse into the world of the Cornhuskers.... the self-proclaimed greatest fans in college football.... and by all assessments the claims they make on their stadium gates may be right.This film follows several individuals associated with the University of Nebraska football community through different life lessons including the mother of a player who passed away and continues to be supported by the football community, the Defensive Coordinator who gave footballs to Husker fans all over the world, a former player struggling with drug addiction, a child with brain cancer who gets to suit up with the team, even an astronaut who is able to see a packed stadium from space on game day. The stories are remarkable, and beyond these, the personal accounts of countless fans are truly inspiring. Through These Gates examines true sportsmanship, genuine community, and unconditional love. It’s not just a film about watching football. It’s a film about people needing one another.
Tom Osborne, Larry the Cable Guy, Tommie Frazier
Ryan Tweedy