Jack Wild
Wild reteamed with Lester for "Melody" (1971) to play a pair of teens who rebel against the adult establishment. He was pursued by an evil Ron Moody in the cloying but diverting "Flight of the Doves" (1971), but was demoted to supporting status for "The Pied Piper" (1972), Jacques Demy's dark and unsettling children's story. By 1976, he was co-starring in a British "adult" feature, "Keep It Up Downstairs," playing one Peregrine Cockshute. Wild returned to familiar territory in a supporting role in "Our Mutual Friend," a "Masterpiece Theatre" (PBS, 1978) miniseries adaptation of the Dickens novel and returned to the big screen with a small role in the Kevin Costner vehicle "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (1991).