[Season Finale] Captain Taylor makes his move against Brenda, meaning she must juggle concerns of an I.A. investigation with solving the murder of a famous producer.
Sean suffers uncontrollable spasms in his hands. After he nicks a patient's major neck artery during a routine cyst lancing, Sean stops performing surgeries.
Denise befriends the wife of a young soldier who has been injured in Iraq; Joan and Roland struggle to find a nanny for Sarah Elizabeth; Emmalin meets her pen pal, Logan, on the way to school.
Evan Connor's wife, Jennifer, arrives on post hoping to get involved in the FRG; Denise decides to redecorate the house and get a tattoo; Roland's mother comes to visit the new baby.
Roxy's mother returns with a new man; Joan and Roland leave their daughter with Claudia Joy and Michael so they can have a date night; Claudia Joy and Michael face their own parenting problems; Pamela helps Roxy at the bar.