Enemy Lines
The 10-episode psychological thriller picks up after the shocking events of the Season One finale, with the residents of Wayward Pines battling against the iron-fisted rule of the First Generation. Dr. Theo Yedlin – a new resident of Wayward Pines – awakens from suspended animation and finds himself in the middle of this rebellion, as he tries to understand what Wayward Pines really is and help preserve the endangered human race. CJ Mitchum, an original resident of Wayward Pines and a historian for the town with extensive knowledge of its complex origins, is the one person who can provide a unique bridge between the current world of Wayward Pines and the previous world that humans inhabited. Megan Fisher, is in charge of the scientific research being conducted on the Abbies, and remains deeply involved in the development of the hearts and minds of the future of humanity—Wayward Pines’ “First Generation”. The series also features Jason Higgins, a member of the First Generation and town founder David Pilcher’s young acolyte; Rebecca, who has her own secrets she keeps from Theo, her husband; Xander Beck, a resident working to undermine Wayward Pines from within; and Kerry Campbell, one of Jason’s lieutenants in the civil war going on in Wayward Pines.
41 min · May 25, 2016