The Brits' arrival in America is met by a welcome from hell. Stripped of their possessions and transported to Tent City, they join hundreds of hostile American convicts. Will they survive the night?
After a hostile night locked up in Tent City, a notorious jail reputed to be the Alcatraz of Arizona, the British lads make first contact with the convicts who have made their night a living hell.
The Brits make a shocking discovery while doing hard labor on the chain gang in the blistering desert heat. They are taken to a high security facility to come face to face with a neo-Nazi killer.
Dan gets everyone in serious trouble when he is caught stealing from the Sheriff. The Brits are challenged in ways they've never imagined when they have to bury dead bodies.
The Brits are pushed to breaking point on the chain gang. After days of simmering tension, war finally breaks out between the Brits and Americans when an unwritten rule of prison conduct is violated.
The Brits meet Eddie CHUNKY Munoz, a gang member accused of murder. Will it be enough to scare them straight? The Brits discover that Sheriff Joe Arpaio treats his dogs better than his inmates.