An optical treasure box with geometric patterns; kaleidoscope; adding perspective to an art journal; lightweight ball with streamers.
A tree reflects the changing seasons; play tent for imaginary adventures; collage from magazine cutouts; portable playscape of the forest.
A roadster; string adds animation to art; a wreath with colorful felt pinwheels; car track; string art project.
Shimmery clay bird necklace; transferring original designs to a T-shirt; making a stenciled flower or flag on a T-shirt; weaving a colorful loop bracelet; transforming a T-shirt into a superhero cape.
Fuzzy mustache board; colorful pencil toppers; reversible playscape mat.
Survival bracelets; robot storage container; miniature construction site for toy trucks; a travel case full of learning games and activities.
Jenny Barnett Rohrs
Candie Cooper
Franz Spohn
Katie Hacker
Mike Murphy