Jay Johnson, a newly elected judge, faces her fears and wrangles with her family and live-in lover before joining Glendale municipal court for the first time. There she handles the stalker with unexpected results.
A man abuses his wife. Jay and Daryl argue about their needs. Jay hears the abuse case, discovers the husband's secret. Judge Allen deals with his messy love life. Jay and Daryl get a call for Jay's family that puts Daryl in jeopardy.
A young Alcor Stephens, tries to get arrested. Jay does her best to make amends to Daryl for his earlier arrest. An odd man keeps a terrible secret in his basement. A late-night drink among judges has quite the unexpected end.
There's a brawl in a mall. Jay and Daryl fight over his fidelity. Jay struggles after a first day mistake but finds her stride dealing with a contentious racial issue. Daryl and Michael make a deal. Tragedy strikes after Jay delivers a speech.
A dispute over a light comes to a deadly end. Something unexpected shakes the entire courthouse, rattling Jay to the core. Larry continues plotting his revenge as Judge Spangler shows her softer side. Jay finds herself in the crosshairs of a stalker.
Racial tensions flair outside of a club. Daryl and Jay continue to wrangle with jealousy. Jay takes Lily Steele's small claims case looking for more evidence on Larry. Jay fortifies her home from some vague, unknown threat.
Chyna Layne
Judge Zelma Jay Johnson
Ajay Vishwanathan
Hasan Bail
Javon Terrell
Daryl Bledsoe
Jonathan Chase
Martin Allen
Bonita Brisker