Callie, a former member of the defunct cult "The New Family", agrees to a series of interviews for their show, "L.A. Macabre". After the first episode airs an antagonistic force begins to harass Callie. Has exposing her past life come back to haunt her?
Ryan and Jamie become more concerned when Colin and Callie go "Creepy Crawling," an old Manson family practice. As Colin digs deeper into the cult practice of psychological programming, Ryan wonders if Callie is exerting influence over Colin.
After video surfaces online of Ryan, Jamie, and Colin being "Creepy Crawling," Ryan calls his friend J.P. to track down the source of the uploads.
After Jamie's kidnapping, Ryan and Colin are forced to find help in unlikely places. With Callie's offer to help dashed when she is arrested, Ryan must turn to his last and most dreaded option: Uncle Randy.
With Ryan and Colin in tow, Randy begins his investigation with J.P. and her near-drowning in a barrel. Is Callie guilty or just a decoy in Jamie's kidnapping?
Randy, Callie, Ryan, and Colin team up to track down former members of "The New Family" in hopes of uncovering a lead on Jamie's whereabouts.
Daniel Ast