In New York City, a Big Bad is brewing. Somebody's making the ground shake and buildings fall, and has plans for even greater destruction. Could it be The Hand, the shadowy organization that's haunted many of the superheroes who come together in MARVEL'S THE DEFENDERS to fight? Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter), Daredevil (Charlie Cox), and Iron Fist (Finn Jones) are all lost in their own troubles as this series begins. Luke, just out of jail, is wrestling with the damage his powerful enemies did to his beloved Harlem; Iron Fist worries he's abandoned his loved ones threatened by The Hand; Jessica is still grappling with her abusive past and complicated present as a reluctant superhero; and Daredevil, now going by his real name Matt Murdock, has left heroics behind and is satisfying his urge to help and protect by doing pro bono legal work. But when a mysterious villainous presence, seemingly directed by secretive and powerful Alexandra (Sigourney Weaver), starts threatening the city itself, they're called together to defend the innocent lives under siege.