A contestant named Nicole goes inside of a video game and has to jump over virtual rats in an attempt to win a set of encyclopedias. Host Phil Moore makes no attempt to convince her that it isn't worth the trouble.
Contestants Tavis, Michelle, Megan, and Kris mumble their way through some radical smalltalk with Phil Moore before facing off in the Video Zone. Kris chokes on Alpha Mission 2 and Megan still hasn't forgiven him.
Joshua and Barbara are on the Yellow Team today and they plan on playing as dirty as it takes to win that foosball table. Joshua knows it's wrong to bite people, but that hasn't stopped him before.
This does not necessarily speak to the content of this episode, but host Phil Moore wears a tremendous sweater in this episode. The pattern is mesmerizing and the cut is ahead of its time.
Which Game Wizard will these kids face in the Video Zone today? Merlock? Scorchia? Mongo? Or perhaps the underappreciated Wizard of Soul responsible for this program's synthesizer soundtrack?
Today we're jamming on games like Star Defenders, Stinky Sphinx, and everyone's favorite, Guess If These Contestants Currently Have Any Recollection Of Actually Appearing On This Show.
Phil Moore