Shadow and Bone
Available on Netflix
Based on the series of books by Leigh Bardugo, SHADOW AND BONE picks up in the fantasy country of Ravka, which was cut in half hundreds of years ago by a region of pure darkness known as the Fold. Created by a malevolent Grisha -- the magical folk of this universe -- the Fold is inhabited by terrifying monsters, and has claimed the lives of countless people, including the parents of Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li). Growing up in the orphanage, her best friend and solace was Mal Oretsev (Archie Renaux), and even now that the two are grown and serving in Ravka's military, they still share a special bond. But when Mal and Alina are forced by circumstance to take on perilous roles in a mysterious quest, Alina learns that she has untapped supernatural powers, powers that launch her into the treacherously political and magical world of the Grisha.