Explore the lethal waters surrounding Alcatraz, and discover the truth behind the myth of Sharkatraz.
Dr. Neil Hammerschlag and his team of researchers are setting off on a quest to learn more about this mysterious shark, as well as search for the most elusive of them all: the massive Great Hammerhead.
Witness a clash of oceanic titans in the remote crystal-blue battlefields of Ascension Island. Yellowfin tuna and mako and tiger sharks are all apex predators. To sharks, the yellowfin tuna are the ultimate prize as the tuna are faster and can reach over 250 pounds. Any shark hunting these beasts needs brute strength and some luck. When a third player enters the game, the scales tip. Who will win?
It’s an ocean of giants. South Africa has a dramatic, rocky coast that’s raked by churning currents. Warm, cold, rich and murky water collide to create “shark central”, with enough food to sustain the biggest. Giant sharks like great whites, tiger sharks, bull sharks, ragged tooth sharks, and whale sharks all reign supreme in these waters.
The bull shark is often considered the most dangerous shark on Earth. With bull shark attacks on the rise in North Carolina, it’s up to experts to solve the mystery behind the attacks… before the next tragedy.
Tourists aren’t the only ones who flock to the clear blue waters of the Caribbean each year. Scientists have discovered that one of the world’s most elusive sharks, the Great Hammerhead also turns up here en masse every November and takes over the tiny Bahamian islands of Bimini. Dr. Zeb Hogan is determined to find out why.