SOS Fairy Manu
SOS FAIRY MANU is an animated series that chronicles the daily life and adventures of Manu, the newest, and youngest, Fairy Godmother in the Enchanted Kingdom. She is determined to help those in need with the help of her magical umbrella wand, and her friends João and Duque by her side. Beloved fairytale characters live in the town, and cry out for her when there is a crisis to solve. She casts spells to save the day, while trying to avoid the evil witch Valquíria. Having become a Fairy Godmother after her Grandmother announced her retirement, Manu thinks she knows it all -- but often still needs her guidance. Despite her best efforts, her spells don't always go as expected and sometimes her impulsiveness can make things worse. The importance of taking time to stop and think, as well as asking for help when we need it are major lessons learned throughout the series.
Marjorie Blaitt,
Felipe Volpatto,
Hugo Picchi