2,500 years ago, a woman was buried possibly still alive with her arms and legs tightly bound and a strange metal collar around her neck. Was it murder? Or perhaps she was a witch?
In 1835, peat diggers discovered the petrified body of a woman in a marsh, pinned underwater by wooden stakes. Who is the body in the bog?
The desolate but beautiful Chilean coastline harbors an ancient mystery: the body of a child, thousands of years old, mummified and buried.
Aztec specialist Dr. Elizabeth Banqueting investigates the deformed skull of a child found near the 700-year-old Aztec temple at Mixquic, a suburb of Mexico City.
The mysterious case of a skeleton found buried in a medieval cemetery hints of a vicious and violent murder.
A skeleton found in Oxford with a vicious sword wound to the head was buried with strange instruments that imply he may have been a medieval surgeon.