Spinster Irene puts pen to paper to complain about the many, many wrongs she sees around her. However, she ends up on the wrong side of the law when she misreads completely the situation of the family living in the house opposite.
Gwen begins to develop incestuous thoughts about her 15-year-old son Michael. She is unable to confide in her husband and sees herself as too normal to admit to anything so shocking, until a revelation brings matters to a head.
Muriel's son Giles appears with papers for her to sign. It turns out she is quite a rich widow. But soon there's a liquidity problem, and Giles could be to blame.
Actor Lesley prides herself on her professionalism, even if it's for a walk-on role. She is thrilled to land the role of Travis, who spends the film bikini-clad on a yacht.
Middle-aged park-keeper Wilfred is full of righteous indignation about litter, graffiti, vandalism and unleashed dogs. Nonetheless, his patchy employment record and the fact that he and his long-suffering wife have had to move houses reflect that he has his own, secret vices.
Graham is his mam's number one. But when they bump into semi-retired Mr Turnbull, Graham discovers she had a life before Dad and fully intends to have another.
Imelda Staunton
Irene Ruddock
Sarah Lancashire
Harriet Walter
Monica Dolan
Maxine Peake
Miss Fozzard