Sister is keen on joining the school soccer team, but Coach Brown thinks she still has some growing to do! Then, Sister is picked to represent her school in the upcoming jump rope contest. Sister is convinced she can’t lose!
After Mama receives a bunch of free ride tickets at the supermarket, the Bear family heads to the amusement park! Then, the Papa and Mama get help from the cubs as they try to make Gran and Gramps’ anniversary dinner special!
Mama plans a movie night so the family can spend time together! But will they arrive in time? Then, the cubs are excited about going on a family trip, until they find out they’re going on a tour of Bear Country’s National Parks!
The cubs and their friends all have acts to practice for a backyard circus! Sister’s stunt looks impressive, until she finds out Brother’s is similar. Then, Brother and his pals decide to build a car together for the upcoming go cart race!