The German people have a love affair with trains. Emeline Nsingi Nkosi explores the fascinating German rail network in this travel documentary. She heads into Berlin's underground U-Bahn system to visit disused war bunkers, attends the opening of a museum dedicated to Wuppertal's distinctive monorail and rides a makeshift narrow-gauge train that links the remote Hallig Islands to the mainland.
One London school is breaking down barriers in what’s perceived as a traditionally elitist sport. Greig City Academy has gained a reputation for turning out elite sailors and transforming the lives of their students through their unique sailing program. This travel documentary reveals how one group of teenagers try to keep on top of their studies as they battle the high seas.
The Pacific Northwest is an area of outstanding natural beauty with a fascinating and historic traditional culture. Journalist Qasa Alom travels to Seattle and witnesses the unique and energetic fish market, goes on a whale watching tour to hear how whale sightings have rebounded, heads underground where regular flooding has reshaped the city and visits Seattle's famous Space Needle.
Journalist Qasa Alom continues his journey in America's Northwest and discovers some of the ways in which Alaska has been shaped by nature. He discovers the challenges for the state capital posed by the Mendenhall glacier, prospects for gold, hears about the deep connection the indigenous people have with the land and spends time with a father and son living off-grid in the Alaskan wilderness.
Lucy Hedges explores Cape Verde - an archipelago of islands off the coast of West Africa, which has become a popular holiday destination thanks to its year round sunshine.
Rajan Datar journeys through Sri Lanka, exploring local life and culture from the western coasts to its northernmost city. Rajan joins a project that’s on a mission to future-proof coastal communities by replanting coral. In Colombo he gets a guided tour from celebrity actor Nimmi Harasgama and then travels to Yala National Park and comes face to face with some of Sri Lanka's most iconic wildlife.
Ade Adepitan
Rajan Datar
Carmen Roberts
Christa Larwood
Lucy Hedges