In Edo, a murder mystery unfolds as assassins seek justice, while lumber dealer Kisoya's refusal to sell hints at a major project, leading to murder and eviction plots.
In Edo's dark night, a murder festival unveils shadowy assassins and shifting alliances, weaving a tale of love, deception, and a fight for justice in historic Edo.
Edo's dark past reveals assassin clans, debt, suicide, and a shadowy underworld, while an Edo-era drama unfolds with intrigue, deception, and a fight for justice.
Dark Edo nights unveil a murder fest that evokes a clash between justice and corruption, as a man seeks revenge and officers face moral dilemmas in a tense drama.
In Edo, shadowy assassins unite to tackle a murder spree and underworld evils, while a pregnant woman, ousted by society, finds unlikely help amidst crime and deceit.
In Edo, shadowy assassins tackle murder and illegal brothels in a gripping tale of cunning plots, brothel raids, and a desperate escape through the city's shadowy world.