Two teenage fanboys discover a secret entryway into a hospital for superheroes called "Mighty Med."
Oliver must follow through with creating a Frankenstein-inspired play when his dad becomes curious about where he goes every day after school.
Kaz asks the most popular girl in school to the upcoming school carnival but is rejected, and tries to save face by claiming he already has a girlfriend.
Oliver uses his new medical skills at school when he performs CPR on a popular girl's poodle.
When Kaz and Oliver meet Timeline, a superhero who has the ability to see into the future, they discover that villain Crimson Demon and his three brothers have a plan to destroy the world. Oddly enough, because Kaz whizzed through his pop quiz, these three events lead to a portal's opening for the freedom of Crimson Demon's brothers. The three events are: the fool will become the wise man (Kaz whizzing the pop quiz), knight will fall during the day (Oliver falling inside a knight costume), and the chord of dischord will be played (Gus).
Gus contracts a strange illness, develops powers and turns evil.
Bradley Steven Perry
Jake Short
Paris Berelc
Skylar Storm
Devan Leos
Stephen Engel