The Aunts take us through the rough and tumble of single life, explaining to potential suitors exactly how they like to be approached, what conversations are likely to get them interested and the difference between a sexy man and a creepy one. Most importantly, the Aunts let us know how much time should elapse between them giving you their number and you calling it.
You'll probably never be under as much scrutiny in your life as when you're on a date. Everything's under the microscope from how you eat to how you behave, kiss and what personal information you reveal. In this episode the Uncles share their dating war stories as well as give us an insight into how to be a hero on a date, signs you're a friend and not a boyfriend and how to respond when they tell you they love you and you don't feel the same way.
So you've traversed the border from dating to relationship and you're feeling a bit jittery. It's OK, the Uncles are here to help us with the big questions of how to impress their mum, how to know if you're really in love, do your mates like your girlfriend and how would you know if they didn't? There's also that great philosophical quandary - when should you lie to your partner? And is withholding certain information a lie or sound relationship practice?
Take a deep breath gents as your life will never be the same again. Fortunately the Uncles have already been there and will let you know when you're ready to cohabitate, which bad domestic habits to curb, and how to keep the romance alive under the weight of bills, schedules and the washing up. Then there are the even bigger issues of trust, jealousy and when to pop the question. Don't fret, the Uncles have got your back.
And it was all going so well. But now it's time for the Uncles to hold out a strong hand and guide you through the agony of a relationship that is going quickly south. What are the signs that it's deteriorating, how can you be certain your partner's cheating on you and when is a union beyond resuscitation? Then there's the actual breaking up. How do you do pull the pin without being too much of a prick? And if they break up with you, how do you keep your dignity? No one said this was easy.
Getting back on the horse is tough and no one is more aware of this than our Uncles. Fortunately, they're here to talk you through the balancing act of handling your grief while embracing the superficial delights of single life. What's good about being single, how do you write the perfect online ad and should you fall in love with the first person you sleep with post-relationship? It's an unmissable finale as the Uncles impart their last bit of wisdom before sending you off in search of romantic glory.
Myf Warhurst
Hannah Gadsby
Julia Zemiro
Judith Lucy
Adam Zwar