Believe in Love
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Lu Yue Er (Zheng He Hui Zi) is a 17-year-old girl who helps run a small business in a busy town. Despite the fact that her family is strict and hard on her, she is unfailingly hard-working, brave, warm, and optimistic. Hua Yi Nan (Huang Sheng Chi), meanwhile, is a handsome but outwardly rough and unsophisticated 20-year-old man who just happens to be the master of a large island. Due to a quirk in his family history, Hua Yi Nan learns that he must marry Lu Yue Er in order to ensure all goes well with his family. He tries to win her over, using his awkward charms, which at first do very little for the streetwise and sophisticated Lu Yue Er. Eventually, she is left with no choice but to become his wife – but Hua Yi Nan finds it hard to win her heart. But as the duo starts to get one another better, they discover hidden depths to one another’s personalities. Attraction sparks – but what will happen when Lu Yue Er learns the real reason why Hua Yi Nan was so keen to marry her in the first place? “Believe in Love” is a 2022 Chinese drama series that was directed by Shen Jin Fei.