Things that... Spin
What do leaping motocross riders, an aerobatic tiger moth and spiders all have in common? They all spin! To find out what makes spinning so special join Dr Rob as he battles centripetal forces and scopes out all the science behind things that spin. / Spin 101: What makes spinning so special? Maybe because it is a form of motion that is found all over the place, Dr Rob breaks down the main factors involved in spinning and some of its interesting properties. / Spinning Paper/Spinning Can: Everyone knows that a spinning top spins, that's its job in the world, to spin. Julia, Scope's experiment girl, will show you a few other things you can make spin that you might not have thought about, like; paper and cans. / Motocross: The sport motocross requires endurance, strength, concentration, and an extremely powerful dirt bike. Chris Urquhart, Head Coach for Y-AIM Queensland takes you through the spinning science involved in this fast pace sport. / Tiger Moth: Tiger Moths are a great aerobatic aircraft, doing dangerous spins in mid-air, but even before take off they make use of spinning forces. Garry Herne, a tiger moth pilot shows you the spinning science behind these magnificent biplanes. / Wheel of Brisbane: Have you ever wondered how a Ferris wheel spins? Well Mike Ironside, the manager of the Wheel of Brisbane will take you on a private tour of this large Ferris wheel, explaining the intricate process of making it spin. / Spider Webs: Spider webs, to a human they can be annoying, but to an insect they are potential death traps. Dr Owen Seeman an Arachnologist from The Queensland Museum will reveal the mystery of how and why a spider spins a web. - So spin on in and join Dr. Rob as he once again proves that the ordinary really does become extraordinary under the Scope!
23 min · 13 July 2009