Non-binary artist Azul confronts generational trauma and finds the "punk mariachi" within before their big Chicago art show.
Genderfluid Fran connects with their inner skaterboi, their Filipinx heritage, and surprises their girlfriend with a romantic date night for their first anniversary.
Transfemme therapist Ronnie gains a confidence boost and style upgrade to coincide with a new life chapter, inviting their Caribbean parents along for the ride.
Black non-binary student Prism meets an inspiring fat activist in Reno, Nevada and surprises their friends with a name change party.
Genderfluid Jaden discovers ways to dress the new silhouette after recent top surgery, then throws a New Moon party to release the past.
Transmasculine T steps out of the bedroom studio and onto the stage after conquering their fears of shopping and performing with a gender-bendy makeover.
Lucas Silveira
Richie Shazam
Michelle Mama
Brandon Allen
Vanessa Case