The boys get their first professional gig, doing a stunt at the opening of a new skateboarding store. The boys also stay in their first hotel, overindulge, and fail to do the stunt.
The boys need to earn some money for a new part for their skateboards, so they get a job as delivery boys. However, it's not as easy as it sounds, and people take advantage of them.
Kojo is blamed for the damage when Zeke and Luther accidentally fling themselves into Mr. Johnson's yard with a bungee cord, destroying his lawn ornaments.
Zeke and Luther come up with ambitious skateboarding stunts, including the Tunnel of Terror, to impress potential sponsors.
Zeke asks Olivia for fashion advice to help with his image, and she suggests he wears a cape. He's not crazy about it, especially when it gets caught in the back of an ice cream truck.
Zeke and Luther set up a camp to show kids how to skateboard, but have to admit defeat when Ozzie joins. He's absolutely hopeless, but Zeke is determined to find the skater in him.
Hutch Dano
Adam Hicks
Ryan Newman
Daniel Curtis Lee
John Putch