One Day My Prince
In the Forest of Brocéliande, Queen Titania has summoned the fairies present during the christening ceremony of the Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. Almost one hundred years have passed since the princess fell asleep, because no charming prince seems to be worthy enough to kiss her and awake her from her deep sleep. The princess is very demanding! Titania is afraid the princess will disappear eternally. Therefore, she sends two of her fairies, Blondine and Mélusine to Paris in order to find the perfect man to awaken Princess Aurore. Thus, the two Quebecer fairies are sent to the city of love and temptations where their naivety will be under severe strain. Delighted to take this opportunity to discover Paris, our two fairies will be quickly disillusioned by the complexity of their mission. No man seems to meet the criteria for the princess and time flies.
Starring Hugo Becker
Director Flavia Coste