Gwendoline Christie
Guest Appearances
GAME OF THRONES · S2, E3What Is Dead May Never Die
Tyrion plots to gain alliances through the promise of marriage; Catelyn arrives in the Stormlands; Luwin tries to decipher Bran's dreams.
GAME OF THRONES · S2, E5The Ghost of Harrenhal
The end of the Baratheon rivalry drives Catelyn to flee; Tyrion is alerted to Joffrey's flawed defense plan; Arya receives a promise; the Night's Watch arrive at an ancient fortress.
GAME OF THRONES · S2, E4Garden of Bones
Joffrey punishes Sansa; Catelyn tries to get Stannis and Renly to unite against the Lannisters; Dany arrives at the gates of Qarth; Arya and Gendry are taken to Harrenhal; Davos must smuggle Melisandre into a secret cove.
GAME OF THRONES · S3, E4And Now His Watch Is Ended
The Night's Watch takes stock; Varys meets his better; Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood; Daenerys makes an exchange.
GAME OF THRONES · S3, E5Kissed by Fire
The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed; Tyrion learns the cost of weddings.