Grandmother and Scarsdale, New York resident Ruth Teig teaches Mo Rocca how to make classic Jewish cuisine. On the menu is kreplach (or Jewish ravioli) and Ruth's fluffy, modernized version of gefilte fish.
Ninety-one year old Gaetano Varbero and Harrison, New York resident is determined to make a rugged outdoorsman out of Mo Rocca. No need to peel veggies when cooking in the great outdoors, this is "manly food."
Mo Rocca visits grandmother Genevra Higginson at her three hundred year-old home in Cohasset, Massachusetts. Mo digs up clams on a beach and he and Genevra cook up a fresh clam chowder.
Mo Rocca learns classic Russian cuisine from former Muscovite and current Brighton Beach, Brooklyn resident Eva Levitis. Eva shows Mo how to make a Russian salad called "Oiiver" and Chicken Kiev.
Mo Rocca visits Manee Soohoo in Harlem, New York to learn to cook Thai.
Peggy Guiliano of Caldwell, New Jersey devotes much of her life to her grandchildren and giving back to those in need. Peggy introduces Mo Rocca to the soup kitchen at New Jersey's oldest church.
Mo Rocca