On the heels of an unsavory investigation involving a famous comedian, Perry Mason is hired to solve a perplexing case involving the brutal kidnapping of 1-year-old Charlie Dodson.
Evangelical preacher Sister Alice offers the Dodsons the church's full moral and financial support, much to her mother Birdy's dismay; during a routine domestic intervention, beat cop Paul Drake is rerouted to a gruesome crime scene.
Maynard Barnes goes public with a shocking new development; Mason and Strickland get unauthorized access to physical evidence with help from Virgil; Mason attempts to extract information from Drake.
Mason and Strickland lean on Virgil for extra legal assistance; following Sister Alice's recovery from a frightening episode, Birdy urges her daughter to renounce her claims about baby Charlie.
Strickland tracks down the sergeant originally assigned to the Dodson case, while Mason and Della run a solemn errand up North; Della sets out to find more capable legal representation for Mrs. Dodson.
A damning witness testimony begins Emily's trial; Della and Strickland investigate a potential connection between Detective Ennis and Charlie's kidnappers; Mason considers betraying Drake's trust.
Matthew Rhys
Perry Mason
Juliet Rylance
Della Street
Chris Chalk
Paul Drake
Shea Whigham
Pete Strickland
Eric Lange
Gene Holcomb