Brian Howe
Brian Howe is a character actor best known for his role as the stockbroker more focused on his Rubik's Cube than on hearing Will Smith explain why he would be the right man for a job at the firm in the feel-good drama "The Pursuit of Happyness." It's a pivotal and memorable role, and highlighted what Howe could do with little screen time. Fans of cult science fiction movies might know him more from his hilariously straight-faced performance as Dr. Roger Fleming in Larry Blamire's affectionate spoof of/homage to cheapie 1950s science fiction movies, "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra," from 2004. The intentionally campy movie generated a strong cult following and spawned a sequel in 2009, entitled "The Lost Skeleton Returns Again," which also featured Howe, albeit in a different role. He has worked with Blamire in other films as well, including "Trail of the Screaming Forehead" and "Dark and Stormy Night." He was also a regular on the short-lived NBC time traveler show "Journeyman," playing a newspaper editor, and appeared in several features like "Catch Me If You Can" and "Gran Torino," among others.