Six singles arrive at the resort, a place which will turn back the clock and give them a chance at love with a variety of people from their past.
After a night of reunions, the Singles and their first Arrivals wake up with mixed emotions; everyone goes on their first dates, sparks fly for some while the memories fizzle out for others.
The Portal complicates things with more new Arrivals; Ashley catches a break; Nigel asks tough questions to avoid breaking bro code, Vince finds nostalgic romance, and Jeff is reunited with another supportive chapter of his coming out journey.
Kasey reels from a betrayal by Allyssa while Ashley begins to fall for one of her Arrivals; Vince and Isabel play love games, Jeff decides to host a pool party, inviting all the Arrivals, leading to the most explosive night yet.
The Portal reopens for Jeff and Kasey as the pool party unravels; Jeff gets a coworker with a crush, and Kasey's cheesy hometown neighbor wants a chance at love.
Allyssa gives The Portal one last chance to introduce her to someone she likes; The Portal fires up and serves Ashley an old flame; Kasey goes on the cheesiest date ever.
Betty Who
Elan Gale
Gabe Turner
Caroline Roseman