Aqua Johnny / Johnny and the Amazing Turbo Action Backpack

Aqua Johnny / Johnny and the Amazing Turbo Action Backpack

Available on Prime Video, Netflix
S1 E4: It's family day at the beach. The girls are trying to attract Gil; Johnny and Dukey bribe the girls to give them gills so they can breath underwater. The tanning cream Mary tries out on Susan turns her skins all sorts of colors but Gil thinks it's cool; J and D are having fun exploring the ocean. All is good until J and D disturb the sea creatures who by mistake are now able to breath on land. The kids have to save Porkbelly beach (and Gil) from the creatures that are out for revenge. / It turns out that the entire school social hierarchy is based on what backpack you carry, and Johnny's at the bottom of the pack. So he "borrows" the Amazing Turbo Action Backpack (ATAB) that the girls are presenting at the the University the next day. Things are fabulous for Johnny- the ATAB is awesome and everyone thinks he's cool, including Janet Nelson Jr. and Sissy - until Bling Bling Boy steals it and threatens to destroy it unless Susan will go out with him. Now it's up to Johnny and Dukey to get it back, so they use the DNA-a-hoop to turn Dukey into Susan and trick BBB into giving it back.