In 2017, three classified videos of Navy pilots encountering UFOs were leaked. Ben Hansen digs deep to find the truth behind these military sightings.
Over the past year, numerous UFO sightings have been reported in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. These current sightings might be linked to an infamous incident in 1965.
In 1997, over 20,000 people witnessed bright lights hovering over Phoenix, AZ. Ben Hansen investigates these and other UFO sightings.
Ben is in Florida to investigate a woman's claim that an extra-terrestrial visited her garden.
A startling new report claims a prominent astrophysicist worked on an aircraft reverse-engineered from the parts of downed UFOs. Ben Hansen investigates.
Thousands of people witness UFOs every year, but some claim to have been abducted.
Ben Hansen
Andrew Nock
Matthew Kelly
Michael Sorensen