Jazz enters Metazells for the first time and plays as Bone, his avatar. Once there, he meets his fellow Wrockers, who give him his first mission in this virtual world: to find and sneak into the Woodies' village, home of the rival clan.
Bone, disguised as Woodie, helps two of the Woodies, Hoppy and Howly, when they are in trouble. As a result, he gains their trust and is taken to the Woodies' village.
Bone finally arrives at the Woodies' village, where he meets the rest of the Woodies' clan, Sam, Bran and Lupa. While they are distracted, Bone leaks the address of the village to his Wrocker friends.
A new item has been crafted by Sam Bran. With it, Woodies are now able to find Zells mine to obtain their resources. Bone goes with Sam Bran to test it when they find a more powerful energy source.
Each clan receives a new item. Bone messes up the Woodies' choice for the benefit of the Wrockers, choosing a small robot. The Wrockers, on the other hand, take the missing piece to build their new vehicle the Collector Plane.
The Woodies decide to improve their skills through a training session. Howly, the youngest member of the clan, is not allowed to participate, so he gets angry and returns to the village with Bone.
Joan Andreu Quiles I Rodas
Adán Martínez
Álvaro Ortiz