Bruno Testori is the king of the San Michele penitentiary, a kingdom that begins to collapse following two unexpected deaths, leaving the fate of the prison in the balance.
Shortly after the murder of the Commandante, inmate Miroslav Lackovic, the prison's drug dealer, is found dead.
As Bruno tries to infiltrate charismatic imam Amir's Muslim community, the Slavic and Nigerian inmates wage war over control of the prison's drugs trade.
Everyone's a suspect as Bruno fills the Islamic wing with hidden micro-cameras and Laura has a trojan installed on Bruno's phone.
As Laura receives the data from Bruno's phone, the body of a jihad leader is found, and his death appears to have coincided with Lackovic's attempted breakout.
Hoping to identify the jihadist cell, the secret services infiltrate San Michele and Bruno seeks help from imam Amir.
Luca Zingaretti
Bruno Testori
Isabella Ragonese
Sonia Massini
Anna Bonaiuto
Laura Lombardo
Barbora Bobulová
Giorgio Colangeli