Craig throws himself a welcome back party and invites the gang to get back together again, Thomas and Kathryn have officially called it quits.
Thomas realises he must co-parent with Kathryn in a harmonious way, Cameran decides to show off her domestic skills by throwing a dinner party and Craig comes to Kathryn's defence.
As Craig settles into his new job, Cameran recruits Shep to be her real estate partner, and Landon hits her father up for money.
Kathryn experiences complications related to her pregnancy, motivating Thomas to cosign her lease, meanwhile Cameran considers seeing a therapist about her reluctance in regards to motherhood.
Craig continues to question why Kathryn is on the outs and Shep considers settling down, meanwhile Kathryn comes to terms with her volatile past and tries to make her way back into the group.
Kathryn reaches out to an old friend to make amends, Landon heads to New York for an opportunity, meanwhile Thomas grows fearful about the health of his unborn child.
Craig Conover
Leva Bonaparte
Kathryn Calhoun Dennis
Austen Kroll
Cameran Wimberly