The USS Voyager tries to escape the Delta quadrant and return to Federation space by joining forces with members of a rebel Maquis ship.
The crew runs into a quantum singularity and discovers a trapped ship, but during rescue attempts they realise that the ship in jeopardy is their own.
Capt Janeway and Lt Paris are transported back in time by a subspace fracture just before an explosion ends all life on a doomed planet.
During an away team expedition, Neelix is attacked by aliens who harvest organs in an effort to survive a deadly disease.
The crew of the Voyager enter what they think is a nebula, but discover it is a life form injured by their entry.
Kate Mulgrew
Capt. Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran
Roxann Dawson
B'Elanna Torres
Robert Duncan McNeill
Tom Paris
Ethan Phillips