As a child, Nam Ji-a loses her parents. Two decades later, a curious case involving a runaway bride and a man with a red umbrella catches her attention.
Recognising Lee Yeon as her childhood saviour, Ji-a thinks he might have a lead in locating her parents. A skull is discovered on a fishing boat.
A pattern emerges as Ji-a looks into the island's history of strange and suspicious deaths. Lee Rang keeps Yeon distracted.
Rang pledges to hurt Yeon for his past actions. Before leaving for hell to serve his punishment, Yeon enjoys a home-cooked meal with Ji-a.
While recovering, Yeon opens up to Ji-a about his first love. Rang and Ki Yu-ri are unable to ignore a creature that is crying out for help.
While seeking information about Ji-a's parents, Yeon is reunited with an old acquaintance. Rang tries to get his hands on a valuable artefact.
Dong-Wook Lee
Lee Yeon
Jo Bo-ah
Nam Ji-ah
Kim Bum
Lee Rang
Kim Jung-nan
Ahn Gil-gang